Clean Right Cleaning Solutions Launches Seat Belt Awareness Campaign “Click It with Clean Right.”
Clean Right Cleaning Solutions understands just how important safety is while on the road. “The very nature of what we do means we spend a great deal of time driving from one service location to the next. And with experience comes an awareness around the importance of seat belt use. We’re educating and encouraging our team – and all drivers and passengers on the road to be safe and buckle up,” says Jeff Silveira, founder of Clean Right.
Not only is it the law, but it can save a life. Here’s what we know, and why Jeff is dedicated to the Click It with Clean Right cause:
By wearing seat belts properly, people can reduce the risk of serious injury and death in a crash by half. Drivers and adult front seat passengers must wear seat belts in Massachusetts. This law covers drives and all passengers age 13 and older in all seats.
Although most drivers in the United States follow these safety measures on every trip, there are still millions that don’t.
In Massachusetts, 73% of drivers and front seat passengers wear seat belts. This shows that we’re off to a strong start when it comes to seat belt safety, but that there’s still some work to do.
Primary seat belt laws allow police officers to stop and ticket someone for not buckling up. On average, primary laws result in higher rates of seat belt use than secondary seat belt laws, which allow officers to give tickets only if they have pulled the driver over for another reason. Seat belt laws are most effective when they cover occupants in all seats of the vehicle.
If you’re looking for more information about statics noted above and seat belt use and safety – visit You’ll find information on injuries, cost and other data on motor vehicle crashes and effective strategies for seat belt use. There’s also detailed information on improved child passenger safety.
Jeff Silveira understands the value in buckling up. “The reason I’m passionate about seat belt use comes from first-hand experience. I survived a serious crash that resulted in a total loss of my vehicle and the equipment in it. Luckily, I was able to walk away with no injuries because I had my seat belt secured. Click It with Clean Right demonstrates my priority to have everyone on my team buckle up.” –Jeff Silveira, founder of Clean Right Cleaning Solutions
About Clean Right
Clean Right Cleaning Solutions is commercial cleaning company serving MA and RI. Clean Right specializes in janitorial, office cleaning, floor and carpet care and window washing programs.
About Clean Right Cleaning Solutions: Clean Right is a local cleaning service specializing in office cleaning, commercial cleaning, refinishing floors, waxing floors and shampooing rugs. Our team is focused on quality results, customer service and competitive rates. Learn more about our services, request a quote today!